About PMEC

Parala Maharaja Engineering College (P.M.E.C), Berhampur came into existence in the year 2009 as a constituent college of Biju Pattnaik University of Technology (BPUT),Odisha. This college is one of the premier technical institute in the state and is funded by the government of Odisha. The main objective of the institution is to produce quality technocrats in various streams . Government of Odisha has recognized this institution as a leading institution of repute and has a plan to develop it as a centre of excellence under plan funding. At present, the campus consists of institutional academic block and a workshop block( under construction). As the architectural plan suggests, three more academic blocks, halls of residence, staff quarters, world class auditoria, parks and playgrounds will be developed in subsequent phases of construction. The silk City-Berhampur is located on the eastern coast-line of Odisha. It is one of the oldest cities of the state famous for its silk works, temples and culture. The city which is declared as a municipal corporation is well-connected by roads and rails to all parts of India.

Pursue academic excellence in professional education through quality teaching - learning process, industry-academy interaction and research & development to promote sustainable socio-economic status.



  • To promote professional education at par with global aspiration.
  • To develop skill and knowledge base by imparting quality teaching.
  • To provide cutting-edge academic ambience through holistic development.
  • To build linkage with corporate for nurturing professionalism.
  • To emerge as a leader in research & development to address socio-economic issues.
  • 3 University Gold Medal.
  • 48 no. of students selected for Assistant Executive Engineer in Govt. of Odisha through OPSC.
  • 25 no. of students selected as faculty in Govt. Engineering School.
  • Students placed in various MNCs like, TCS, IBM, WIPRO, Capgemini, TEGA Industries, Mobilite.


Academic Notice
16/12/2022 Notice to deposit the College and Registration Fees smallblink.gif
18/11/2022 Allotted Hostel for B.Tech LE (Girls) smallblink.gif
18/11/2022 Allotted Hostel for B.Tech Fresher off campus (Boys) smallblink.gif
18/11/2022 Allotted Hostel for B.Tech Fresher (Girls) smallblink.gif
18/11/2022 Allotted Hostel for B.Tech Fresher In Campus (Boys)smallblink.gif
18/11/2022 Important Instruction for freshers 2022smallblink.gif
15/11/2022 Spot Admission Link for 2022 1st year B.Techsmallblink.gif
14/11/2022 Notice for Spot Admission 2022 (1st year B.Tech)smallblink.gif
07/05/2022 Advertisement for Internship in Cyber Security & Cloud Computing COEsmallblink.gif
27/04/2022 Notice for Outstanding Dues for the AY 2020-21 and 2021-22smallblink.gif
14/02/2022 Notice for 5th Sem Back Paper Registration 2021-22smallblink.gif
04/02/2022 Notice for Resumption of Physical Class Feb. 2022smallblink.gif
24/01/2022 Notice for Schedule of class test II- 7th Semester & class test I- 5th Semestersmallblink.gif
22-11-2021 Fifth Semester Timetable Nov. 2021
22-11-2021 Third semester timetable Nov. 2021
20-09-2021 Sessional and Viva (Practical evaluation) in Offline mode for 4th sem. Sep. 2021
06/09/2021 Notice for Class Test-II for 2nd and 4th Semester September 2021
03/09/2021 Notice for Hostel Fee Refund for 2019-2020 pass out Batch
01/09/2021 Notice for offline/physical class for 7th semester 2021
23/08/2021 Even Semester Back Paper Registration Phase(II) 2020-2021
20/08/2021 Even Semester Registration Fee Details BTech (2nd & 4th sem) and MTech (2nd Sem)
16/08/2021 1st Internal examination Time Table for 2nd and 4th Semester 2021
23/06/2021 M.Tech Thermal, Design and Production 2nd sem Time Table June 2021
23/06/2021 4th Semester Class Time Table 2021
08/03/2021 Notice for All SAP Learning Students
27/01/2021 Swayam Reimbursement Notice form TEQIP
14/10/2020 Notice for Deposit of College Fees October 2020
13/10/2020 Notice to 3rd semester students for deposit the college fee for the Academic Year 2020-21
12/06/2020 Notice for Welfare Fund
08/01/2020 Notice for the deposit of Hostel Fees 2020
 23/12/2019 Notice for JIO wi-fi registration
12/07/2019 Invitation of the quotation from service providers (SP) for GATE training
12/07/2019 Terms of references (TORs) for the invitation of EoIs
22/04/2019 New Clearance Form





National Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and IoT 16-18 September 2021


Online Summer Training cum Internship Program on Machine Learning and Deep Learning using PARAM SHAVAK System 10th-23rd May 2021


Faculty Development Program on Recent Trends and Challenges in Smart Grid Environment December 2019


National Seminar on Recent Trends on Smart Grid Technology December 2019


One Day Seminar on Energy Crisis and Novel Approach Towards it's Solution, 30th October 2019


Workshop on Recent Trends in computer Science and Engineering: PYTHON and DATA ANALYTICS, 26th-30th August 2019


Faculty Developement Program on Optimization Techniques and Their Engineering Application 23rd-28th Sep 2019


National Seminar on Role of Optimization in Decision Science and Management


National Seminar on Technology, Innovation, Policy Initiatives and Entrepreneurship Development (NSTIPED-2019


One Day Seminar on LASER and Photonics, 6th October 2018


TEQIP-III Sponsored Short Term Course On Data Structures Using 'C' - 2018




Workshop on Role of Technical Institution in CSR Activities to bring Socio-Economic Change in Rural India. Program Schedule of Workshop

19/12/2017 Two Days National Seminar on Computational and Mathematical Engineering on 3rd and 4th February 2018
19/12/2017 List of courses offered by CTTC at PMEC (High-tech Lab.)
19/12/2017 Registration form of courses offered by CTTC at PMEC (High-tech Lab.)
19/12/2017 45th Annual Conference of Odisha Mathematical Society at PMEC to be held in February 2018
19/12/2017 Registration form of 45th annual conference of Odisha Mathematical Society
14/11/2017 Notice for Smart India Hackathon 2018
25/07/2022 Walkin Interview of Guest Faculty for mathematics Even Semester 2022
22/07/2022 Walkin Interview of Guest Faculty for Computer Sc. Engg. Even Semester 2022
12/07/2022 Walkin Interview of Guest Faculty for Computer Sc. Engg. and Electrical Engg. Even Semester 2022
31/05/2022 Walkin Interview of Guest Faculty for Even Semester 2022
26/05/2022 Advertisement for Project Assistant in the Dept. of CSE under OURIIP project
07/05/2022 Advertisement for Internship in Cyber Security & Cloud Computing
22/11/2021 Walkin Interview of Guest Faculty for Odd Semester 2021-2022
17/09/2021 Corrigendum on Advertisement for Project Assistant in Department of Electrical Engineering 2021
06/09/2021 Advertisement for Project Assistant in Department of Electrical Engineering 2021
31/03/2021 Corrigendum cancellation of walk-in for English
20/03/2021 Walkin Interview for Even Semester 2020-2021
19/12/2019 Walkin Interview for Even Semester 2019-20
17/08/2019 Walkin Interview for Computer Science and Engg.
24/07/2019 Walkin Interview for Mathematics and Chemistry Odd Semester 2019-20
24/07/2019 TEQIP - Walkin Interview Extended Date to 24-07-2019
30/06/2019 Walk-in interview for Faculty on contract for Odd Semster 2019-20
05/01/2019 Corrigendum to walk-in interview for faculty on contract even semester 2019
26/07/2018 Corriengdum Notice for Walk-In Interview for TEQIP Cell Staff and Official
18/07/2018 Walk-in-Interview for engagement of Official and Staff under TEQIP-III Project
07/12/2017 Walk in interview for Guest Faculties for Even sem 2017-2018
07/12/2017 Application form for walk-in interview for guest faculties recruitment 2017-2018
29/11/2017 Campus Interview Notice for All Branch
3/07/2017 ETCE branch contractual faculty requirement result
29/06/2017 List of selected candidate for contractual faculty(odd sem-2017)
13/06/2017 Notice regarding Guest faculty interview Odd Semester 2017
13/06/2017 Walk in Interview for Teaching Supporting Staff
23/05/2017 Walk in Interview for Guest Faculties for Odd sem 2017
13/02/2017 Pool Campus Drive by IMS, Ahmedabad (Gujarat) on14th and 15th Feb.2017 at PMEC
04/05/2023 Tender Notice for Event Management 2023
24/03/2023 Tender for supply of Library Books
22/12/2022 Quotation Call notice for chemicals of Chemical Engineering Department
12/10/2022 Quotation Call Notice for Electrical materials
10/03/2022 Tender for supply of Library Books
15/02/2022 Extension of Date for opening of Commercial bid for the Tender Notice No. PMEC/Estt./1805 Date:- 22/12/2021 & Its Corrigendum on Date:07/01/2022
07/01/2022 corrigendum for Tender Notice No. PMEC/Estt./1805 Date:- 22/12/2021
22/12/2021 Tender Call Notice for Labotary Equipments
22/12/2021 Quotation call notice for Microsoft cloud campus products
20/09/2021 Quotation Call Notice for supply of SIngle Phase Shunt Active Filter Trainer-1Kva
09/04/2021 Quotation Call Notice for supply of Online UPS Battery
10/03/2021 Tender Call Notice for supply of computer peripherals
26/01/2021 Tender Call Notice for supply of raw material for workshop
16/01/2021 Tender Call Notice for Supply and Installation of Bottom Pouring type Stir Casting Machine for Production Engg Department
06/01/2021 Tender Call Notice for Mechanical Engg Department (1)
06/01/2021 Tender Call Notice for Mechanical Engg Department (2)
06/01/2021 Tender for consumable items in Chemical Engg Department
15/12/2020 EOI for Setting up and Running a Centre of Excellence in Aerospace and Defence & Allied Industries
08/12/2020 Tender Notice Chemical Engineering Project
11/12/2020 Tender Notice for TEQIP office stationary
19/10/2020 Notice opening of Seal Bid Documents: No PMEC/HOSTEL/01/2020
03/10/2018 Tender document and its deails for computer procurement
03/10/2018 Tender document and its deails for computer procurement
11/06/2018 Hostel tender for 2018-19
09/12/2016 Expression of Interest for setup of Secured, Centrally Managed Wireless LAN
Principal Message
It gives me great pleasure to invite you to get a glimpse of the PMEC's (Parala Maharaja Engineering College) beating heart underneath its attractive exterior... 

Principal's Message

It gives me great pleasure to invite you to get a glimpse of the PMEC's (Parala Maharaja Engineering College) beating heart underneath its attractive exterior. I appreciate your interest in this remarkable institution, which has experienced continuous growth for more than one decades and made significant accomplishments during that time. As a result, it is one of the institutions that is well-known for its excellence and is consequently highly sought after by new applicants.

The Parala Maharaja Engineering College heritage, which incorporates sports and leadership development initiatives, successfully combines strong academic achievement with a broad, active co-curricular activity. Our goal is to help our children develop a passion for learning, and to do this, we work to help them acquire the abilities and attitudes that are necessary for becoming obedient, responsible citizens of the world. This will greatly increase their capacity for resilient and upbeat future facing. On a deeper level, we strive to inculcate the respect and trustworthiness that form the cornerstone of real success in our relationships.

Therefore, at PMEC, we work to redefine the term "education" because we think it refers to a healthy, all-encompassing activity. We consider ourselves to be "care-givers" when we combine this fundamental idea with the notion of a sense of belonging to one family—the PMEC family. We care for the person—the emphasis is on the full development of personality—just as much as we care for the mind since our academic institution is of the highest calibre. I'm hoping for the best for you as you try to join this family.

Prof. (Dr.) Chittaranjan Mohanty
Principal, PMEC, Berhampur
Email: [email protected]
Contact: 7077714001
Training & Placement
Campus placement is an important deliverable from any higher form of education. P.M.E.C. Berhampur ...
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Due to an increase in the number of internet users, electronic commerce has grown significantly during.....

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A interactive networking platform for the alumni of PMEC berhampur to connect with each other.....

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