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The Department of Chemical Engineering at PMEC is established in the year 2014 with 60 numbers of students. The campus is one of the premier departments in the country that provides a unique educational and research environment. We have a major emphasis on interdisciplinary and industrial collaborations. Our primary missions are to educate graduate students and to discover and disseminate knowledge through research.

The Department is committed to achieving excellence in these activities and evaluates the success and leadership of its programs using the highest standards of quality, innovation, & visibility, while at the same time providing a friendly and supportive atmosphere. Our goal is to provide to our student's strong fundamentals complemented by professional skills including communication. Our other important goal is to produce students and faculty who will become leaders in their areas.

Vision of the Department

To be recognized among highly ranked Chemical Engineering programs of the nation through the pursuit of excellence in teaching and research in all sub-areas of Chemical Engineering and in service to the public.

Mission of the Department

To produce well-trained Chemical Engineering graduates with innovative thinking, knowledge, and skills to excel in postgraduate programs or to succeed in the technical profession and to instill in them the spirit of passion and dedication to work creatively and effectively for the betterment of humankind.

Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)

Sl. No.

Programme Educational Objectives


To produce highly qualified, well-rounded, and motivated graduates possessing fundamental knowledge of Chemical Engineering who can provide leadership and service to Odisha, the Nation, and the World


To pursue creative research and new technologies in Chemical Engineering and across disciplines in order to serve the needs of industry, government, society, and the scientific community by expanding the body of knowledge in the field.


To develop partnerships with industry and government agencies.


To achieve visibility by active participation in conferences and technical and community activities.


To publish enduring scientific articles and books.

Programme Outcomes (POs)

  • An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, the sciences, and engineering principles to problems in chemical engineering.
  • An ability to understand and apply fundamental scientific and engineering principles to engineering problems in the context of the interrelationships between structure, properties, processing, and performance of all classes of chemical process systems
  • An ability to design, conduct, analyze, and interpret results of laboratory experiments that involve the behavior of materials in engineering applications, including the use of statistical and computational methods.
  • Familiarity and experience with modern techniques, instrumentation, and other tools require for experimental and engineering design, data collection, and data analysis in the practice of chemical engineering.
  • An ability to work in and provide leadership for diverse teams in the solution of engineering problems.
  • An ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems that involve application and selection of materials.
  • An understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities and their implications
  • An ability to communicate effectively through written reports and oral presentations, including the preparation of professional-quality visual aids.
  • A broad education is necessary to understand the impact of materials engineering problems and solutions in a global/societal context.
  • A recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
  • A knowledge of contemporary issues in the context of engineering problems in chemical engineering.

The Chemical Engineering graduates have bright scope of employment in Fertilizer, Petrochemicals, Cement, Metallurgical, Paper, Pharmaceutical & Software Industries. The course structure has been revised in accordance with the need of different industries. To cope with the demand of software engineers, the department is putting extra emphasis on computer-related subjects. The department arranges industrial study tours to make the students acquainted with different industries. The department has one Chemical Engineering Society, which is actively engaged in all total development of the students. This department is also a Student Chapter of the Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, which is actively involved in various student-related activities.